Feature Products
Lightweight single axis manual lock knee joint prosthesis
SACH foot prosthetic adapter (M10)
Prosthetics single axis foot with 2 holes
Artificial limb SACH foot
Polycentric pneumatic knee joint
Prosthetics tube clamp adapter 30mm
Swiss lock knee joint system-aluminum-adult
Modular single axis pneumatic knee joint
Prosthetic aluminum shuttle lock with pyramid kit
Comfortable artificlal limb carbon fiber foot
Extreme locking gel liner
Polycentric mechanical knee joint
Pneumatic prosthetic knee joint
Prosthetic single axis foot adapter with 2 poles (S: 22-25cm)
Prosthetic modular rotation adapter
Nobel China Limited
Bohui industrial park, Panlong Road, Yaole, Liaobu
+8613-769-8352 3518
中国-8352 3508
Ally Lou (Sales executive)
Feature Products
Prosthetic aluminum shuttle lock with pyramid kit
SACH foot prosthetic adapter (M10)
Lightweight single axis manual lock knee joint prosthesis
Pneumatic prosthetic knee joint
Prosthetic modular rotation adapter
Swiss lock knee joint system-aluminum-adult
Prosthetics single axis foot with 2 holes
Prosthetics tube clamp adapter 30mm
Comfortable artificlal limb carbon fiber foot
Polycentric mechanical knee joint
Modular single axis pneumatic knee joint
Extreme locking gel liner
Polycentric pneumatic knee joint
Artificial limb SACH foot
Prosthetic single axis foot adapter with 2 poles (S: 22-25cm)
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2020 - 05 - 25
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